As a blood pressure monitor product, the accuracy of blood pressure measurement is surely what people care the most about YHE BP Doctor Pro. The most efficient and trustworthy way to find out its accuracy is through science experiments. Before we start, we are going to introduce the experimental equipments and principle.

  • Fluke ProSim 8 Vital Signs Simulator
  • Metal container
  • YHE BP Doctor Pro Smartwatch
  • Air pipes


Fluke ProSim 8 Vital Signs Simulator is the leading Edge Performance in Vital Signs Simulation. The industry-leading ProSim 8 patient simulator enables engineers to complete preventive maintenance tests with one device in less than five minutes, reducing average testing time by up to 88%.
In this experiment, Fluke ProSim 8 is like our arm that we can set its blood pressure precisely. BP Doctor Pro will measure blood pressure simulated by Fluke. The closer the blood pressure reading on both devices, the more accurate YHE BP Doctor Pro is.
This experiment method is proceed by Verification Regulation of Non-invasive Automated Sphygmomanometers (Standard ID: JJG 692-2010 ) We have prepared 11 groups of data to include the low, normal, high blood pressure values. To save time and make this experiment data easier to be understood, Engineers set Pulse Volume:0.25 BPM:80



P.S. YHE engineers will test hundreds of group data every week to improve our blood pressure measurement algorithm. They will test different blood pressure values under different pulse volumes and bpm. 


Experiment steps:
  1.  Turn on Fluke Vital Signs Simulator (ProSim 8);
  2. Select NIBP mode (Press "NIBP" button on Fluke ProSim 8, non-invasive blood pressure);
  3. Set the target blood pressure value; (SYS and DIA, such as 120 / 80mmHg)
  4. Set the target heart rate: 80bpm;
  5. Set pulse volume: 0.25ml;
  6. Click the blood pressure test function on BP Doctor Pro Watch;
  7. As the watch inflates the Fluke will automatically simulate the corresponding blood pressure signal;
  8. Record the data after the watch finished blood pressure measurement. One-time measurement finished.
Change blood pressure setting on Fluke ProSim 8 and repeat the above steps 10 times more. After the whole experiment is finished, we have this chart.



From the experiment results, we can see that BP Doctor's testing numbers are very close to what we've set on ProSim 8. These results also meet the requirements of AAMI US: Mean error (< 5mmhg), standard deviation of error (< 8mmhg)
We also filmed the whole experiment and uploaded it on YouTube:
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